- Dry-Erase Surfaces on a variety of substrates.
 Plain White and Graphic Capable Styles  - Indoff CT the Dry Erase Experts

Detachable Music Whiteboard Set     (860)632-2026  fax (860)632-2028
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[Detachable Music Whiteboard Set] [12 Month Calendar by Indoff]


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An Indoff Exclusive  - note this can also be done for penmanship lines

Detachable Music Board for Magnetic (steel) dry-erase and chalk boards

a great dry Erase music board composed of twelve separate  7-1/2" by 46" music staff sections.

the surface is our fantastic MarkaSub with staff lines printed on it.

the MarkaSub is on our .090 FRP (fiberglass reinforced plastic) to which we adhere a magnetic tape.

Use 12 sections these will store in an area of 2.5" by 46" by 7.5", when you want to use them just place on your steel board.

They remove and go on just like rigid refrigerator magnets.

each 7.5" x 46" section has five  1/8" lines spaced at 1.25" to make a 46" long staff  that is 5" tall centered on section.

Also available are units without magnetic back to which you can add Velcro or other fasteners on your own

Part Number Magnetic or plain back   Quantity
in a set
Price each
when buy a set
Price per set
MB-FRP-7-48-1 Plain back not magnetic   1    
MB-FRP-7-48-6 Plain back not magnetic   6    
MB-FRP-7-48-12 Plain back not magnetic   12    
MB-FRP-7-48-1-M Magnetic Tape applied to back   1    
MB-FRP-7-48-6-M Magnetic Tape applied to back   6    
MB-FRP-7-48-12-M Magnetic Tape applied to back   12 $70 $840
  art A1864        
Prices include packaging but not UPS charges


call for quantity pricing